Labour Market Impact Assessment
A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document that an employer in Canada may need to get before hiring a foreign worker. Employers of some types of temporary workers need to get a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) before the worker applies for a work permit. An LMIA is a document from Employment and […]
Post-Graduation Work Permit
Post-Graduation Work Permit Post-graduation work permit is a document that allows international students who graduate from designated learning institutions (DLI) to temporarily work in Canada. The duration of Post-graduation work permit varies depends of the duration of the studies and it can be from eight months to three years. Not every program in designated learning […]
Extend Work Permit
Holders of a temporary resident status, like work permit , are subject to various conditions. Temporary residents who are already in Canada have the following options: extend their stay as a worker; change conditions of their stay as a worker; change their class to include permission to work; or correct problems in their status. […]
Get a Work Permit
You usually need a work permit to work in Canada. In some cases, you can work without a permit. An individual can apply for a work permit from inside of Canada, outside of Canada or at the P.O.E., depends on their country of citizenship. The main requirements to qualify for a work permit are: […]